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Under the Affordable Care Act, Medicare has been officially empowered to review and penalize hospitals that have high rates of infections and injuries. Since starting in October 2018, Medicare has cut funding for more than 800 hospitals nationwide – and now, 15 Connecticut hospitals have also joined the list.

As Hartford medical malpractice attorneys, our team at Zayas Law Firm is committed to helping the victims of malpractice to recover from their serious injuries. When hospitals and medical practitioners fail to meet the standard of care, it can lead to a host of long-term repercussions for the patient – and in some cases, even wrongful death. If it happens to you or your loved one, we can help you seek the fair compensation you deserve.

Why Is Medicare Cutting Hospital Funding?

Contrary to popular belief, the United States healthcare system isn’t always safe for patients, especially when compared to other developed countries. It’s estimated that medical and hospital errors are the 3rd leading cause of death for American adults, and the nation is also currently dealing with a serious maternal mortality crisis. While this shouldn’t necessarily scare you away from your annual physical exam, it’s worth considering why the American health care system has a history of failing those who need it most.

That’s why the Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program was initially put into place: To track hospital issues nationwide and then take swift action to correct them. After reviewing the state of affairs at all participating Connecticut hospitals, Medicare decided to penalize 15 of them with a 1% reimbursement reduction, due to repeatedly high rates of infection. While this may seem minimal, it’s worth considering that many hospitals rely almost exclusively on Medicare for funding, and may consider the budget cuts to be a substantial warning sign.

Here are some of the most common hospital injuries and infections cited by Medicare:

  • Staphylococcus aureus, or “staph” infections
  • Sepsis and septicemia
  • Bedsores
  • Clostridium difficile
  • MRSA
  • Hip fractures
  • Post-surgery wounds

While it’s certainly possible for patients to contract these medical issues from other sources, Medicare only considered those cases that were specifically caused by negligence during surgery, or after central line and catheter insertion. Hopefully, the recent reduction in funding serves as a reminder to Connecticut hospitals that lives are at stake, and that they must meet the care standards set forth under state statutes.

Dedicated and Aggressive Legal Representation

At Zayas Law Firm, we won’t just settle your medical malpractice case right off the bat. Armed with more than 35 years of combined experience in personal injury and hospital error cases, we can get to the bottom of your injuries and hold the negligent healthcare provider accountable. If you received treatment at one of the 15 Connecticut hospitals that was cited by Medicare, you could have grounds to pursue a lawsuit if you later experienced serious complications or injuries.

Call us today at (860) 854-9156 for a consultation! You won’t need to pay unless we can win your case.

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